Pharmacy Alumni Association stronglybelieves that unless members of the society are involved proactively in the process of development, sustainable change will not happen. So we encourage and invite every individual to come forward as volunteer and volunteer registration, to be an active part of our organization and share the same vision and purpose of us – to work for the welfare of Alumni and their families. Volunteers are the backbone of every organization – they are not only carry the organization’s idea within them, but also spread the message far and beyond, sensitizing the society towards the cause. Volunteerism is an act, just doesn’t ever do it for the certificate or for the one-liner mention in your resume. Do it because you want to and because it makes you happy. Do it because it puts a smile on a face somewhere – a face you might never know, but would have definitely touched.”
Volunteer for PAA, volunteer to serve, spread smiles on people

Fill the application & Enroll Today
